DocGen is an extension to MOSAIQ® eScribe® that make easier the production and distribution of document from MOSAIQ®.
DocGen enriches the list of MOSAIQ® tags & merge fields and allows you to integrate into your documents:
- standardized text depending on the document type,
- elements from previous documents (background,...),
- any data from the MOSAIQ database
DocGen is the ideal tool to produce letters in a few clicks that meet regulatory criteria (dosimetry, peak side effects, etc.) while maintaining the flexibility of word processing modification.

DocGen's advanced mailing functions allow you to produce personalized letters for each of your correspondents without the need for manual adaptation.
Direct mail to medical email (Apicrypt) saves you time and reduces your mailing costs.
The production of combined text/pdf e-mail and the integration of a standardised header allows your correspondents to easily integrate these letters into their digital patient file

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Feel free to contact us using the attached form
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